5 Exercises for Building Strong Bones

By Jessah Shaw, Adv Dip (Nut Med)

1. Tai Chi

Tai Chi, often called meditation in motion, is an ancient Chinese martial art that involves sequences of slow, flowing movements that promote both fitness and relaxation. The weight-bearing nature of tai chi helps to strengthen leg muscles, and also increases flexibility, particularly in the ankles, knees, and hips, where it’s needed for good balance. It has even been shown to boost mood, reduce stress, and even improve heart health.

Our Magnesium Complete supports muscle relaxation and relieves symptoms of stress.

2. Tennis

Grab a couple of tennis rackets and head to your local tennis courts as tennis, squash and pickleball are excellent for increasing bone density. While playing these sports you are utilising your racquet arm, wrist, and shoulder every time you hit the ball, as well as all the running around giving your hips and spine a good workout.

Our Vitamin D3 1000 supports bone strength, density and health in post-menopausal women. Vitamin D helps calcium absorption and a diet deficient in calcium can lead to osteoporosis in later life.

3. Walking

This OG workout is an excellent way to increase bone health. A study of nurses discovered that walking 4 hours a week gave them a 41% lower risk of hip fractures, in comparison to walking less than an hour a week. Recruit a walking buddy and start going for a walk around your neighbourhood or get into the habit of parking your car further away when going to the shops or work.

Our Collagen Body formula includes FORTIGEL® Bioactive Collagen Peptides, vitamin D and 100% RDI of calcium to support bone strength and structure.

4. Hiking

Look into local bush walks and tracks, as hiking is a great way to get out in nature whilst also doing an effective workout. The work of weight-bearing and the impact as your feet hit the ground can increase bone density, particularly in your hips. The benefits are enhanced if you’re going uphill or downhill as well as carrying a backpack. The more impact on your feet and legs the more your bone density will improve.

Our Green Lipped Mussel Plus contains silicon which supports healthy ligaments and tendon health and also supports healthy joint cartilage production.

5. Strength Training

Strength training can involve cable machines, hand weights or your own body weight. Join your local gym or simply invest in some small hand weights so you can work out from the comfort of your own home. It is recommended to strength train at least twice a week to encourage bone growth. There are loads of exercise resources available online or you may wish to book a PT session for some one-on-one guidance.

Our Collagen Build is formulated with a great source of Protein from BODYBALANCE® Bioactive Collagen Peptides and magnesium to support muscle building, repair and function.

The information contained in this website is provided for informational purposes only. All recommendations are not intended to provide diagnosis, medical advice, or treatment. Please consult with your healthcare professional regarding any medical or health related issues. Information and recommendations represented in this website are information extracted through researches conducted on said topic based on professional references and materials and all information are not in any way organically produced by Leap Health. 

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